Dr Xiang's Blog

Dr.Xiang Blog

Learn Kivy

Kivy - Open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.

What is Kivy Config Development Environment Deploy on Mobile Phone

Resume of Dr. Xiang

a simple introduction about my past

Education 2005 - 2009, Ph.D of Computer Science Department of Computer Science, Durham University, UK. Supervisor: Iain Stewart and Hajo Broersma. Obtained ORSAS award and EPSRC funded student...

Reading Record for an OCR book

Dive into OCR: scene text understanding with deep learning

第一章 绪论 The code in the book can be found from github: https://github.com/ocrbook/ocrinaction 本书第一至第三章内容阅读网站 ❤ OCR conference: ICDAR DAS DPR ICPR ICFHR CVPR AAAI ECCV datase...

Video Stream Download and Merge

video is divided into small files with extension .ts, to download and the merge them into one large mp4 file

Find .ts Files 找到视频流文件的方法:在视频播放页面,点击右键,选择inspect,在打开的右侧窗口里面的Network,可以看到有***.m3u8_???.ts的文件,其中问号代表数值,是文件序号。点击该文件,选择“复制”→“复制链接地址”即是所需要的下载地址。 Write Shell File to Download the .ts Files Below is ...

Wearable Device Algorithm Code Optimization

falldown detection algorithm code optimization

Embedded Fall Detect Algorithm Optimization reference: https://blog.csdn.net/KingMingle/article/details/107356011 一. 算法优化原则 等效原则:优化前后程序实现的功能一致; 有效原则:优化后要比优化前运行速度快或占用存储空间小,或二...

About Wearable Fall Detection

paper, dataset, device, etc., wearable devices fall detection

Online Information about Wearable Fall Detection 1. Public Dataset - G-Sensor 1.1 UP-Fall Detection Dataset A paper called “UP-Fall Detection Dataset: A Multimodal Approach (download PDF)”, ...

Step Counter on Bosch BMI-160 Sensor

independent implementation guide on MCU

Step Counter Based on Bosch BMI-160 博世BMI160自带的计步功能 博世的传感器BMI160自带的计步功能,使用传感器自带的功能具有以下优势: 功耗低:不超过20μA; 不需要额外的算法开发和验证:只需要将硬件和参数做好配置即可,无需自己写代码收集数据并进行计算; 稳定性高:内置于传感器中的计步算法,经过长时间和大量测试,稳定性高。 ...

step counter algorithms

with related infromation

Pedometer Algorithms and Related ... Source code on Github Today Step Counter: Android计步模块(类似微信运动,支付宝计步,今日步数),记录当天从0点到23:59的步数. Related Chinese Blog: Android计步模块优化(今日步数)V2.0.0 ...

git command line encoding setting for Chinese characters

git utf-8 encoding

起源 git命令行莫名其妙的出现乱码,中文显示不正确,多次设置不成功。很烦人啊。 git命令行编码设置 其实就是一个编码设置的问题,包括两个方面的设置,命令行自身的设置和git的设置。 命令行(command terminal)设置 Terminal → Preferences → Profiles → Advanced → International → Text encoding:...

Review of blog development work

Happy but scaring...

“blog work review” 一. blog开发纪实 前天和昨天弄了2个整天的博客开发。 https://yonghong.github.io 其实只是搭建而已,并不需要自己写什么代码。通过github的开源项目jekyll,搭建自己的博客,首先在自己电脑上安装有关的软件,可参照 Jekyll + Github Pages 博客搭建入门 来搭建,步骤比较简单。也可...